Healthy Weight Loss Methods

Healthy Weight Loss Methods

Health and weight loss

The idea that being overweight actually wasn’t unhealthy got a big boost in 2013 when a study in The Journal of the American Medical Association reported people overweight by up to 30 pounds were less likely to die earlier than those at normal “healthy” weights. Upon further investigation, the study was proven to have major flaws and was disproven. Even further, decades of good research has shown that obesity leads to serious health problems in life. Those extra pounds make you more susceptible to things like diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, even dementia. This is a scary fact, but over one third of American’s today are considered obese. It’s important that you know your body well and look at it realistically, if the number on the scale shocks and scares you, maybe it’s time to make some change in your life. Weight loss is something a lot of people try and fail at, mostly due to lack of effort or commitment. But with that said, losing weight isn’t easy and it’s not to be underestimated by any means. Even when losing weight, you need to be careful not to lose too much, so it’s all about finding that middle ground that works well for you.

Why you want to lose weight

Weight in itself isn’t the main issue, it’s the way this weight is distributed through the body. Take a 375-pound body builder for instance. Say for instance they have 3% body fat. This person may be “overweight” but they aren’t at all unhealthy because most of this mass is muscle. Now on the other hand take someone that’s 5 feet tall and weighs 150 pounds with 20% body fat. That doesn’t sound like a huge amount of weight, but on such a small frame it’s actually extremely overweight. It’s all relative and case by case here. Now everyone wants to lose weight for different reasons, maybe you just want to look better, or maybe you just can’t sustain the amount of money you spend on food and medicine to keep yourself alive from eating all that food. Medical costs associated with obesity are on average thousands of dollars more expensive per year than normal.

Even more so for an obese child who is obese their whole life. Being overweight even cuts down on your energy and productivity at work, so you may find it harder to find and keep jobs. Employers will also be wary of hiring someone that looks unhealthy, to them that’s just another cost to pay. Most people want to lose weight to better their own personal health. The hard work is in getting down to your target weight, from there as long as you eat well and exercise regularly the weight should stay off with no problems. Self-discipline is so important when it comes to weight loss.

What are the best ways to lose weight

It’s natural for everyone to want to lose as much weight as fast as they possibly can. The faster you’re rid of it the better, right? Wrong! A lot of evidence backs up the fact that those who lose weight more gradually at 1-2 pounds per week are better at keeping it off long-term. It’s not as simple as going on a diet or starting to work out, it’s about a lifestyle change that includes healthy eating and some form of daily exercise! Even seemingly modest weight loss, like 5-10% of your total body weight is a great goal and starting point for anyone, even that much change is likely to improve blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure. So even if the overall goal seems large and looming, see it as a journey rather than just a final destination.

You’ll learn new eating and physical activity habits that will help you live a healthier lifestyle. These habits may help you maintain your weight loss over time. It’s also been found that those who go through significant weight loss report better physical and mental health afterwards, so the changes are not all on the outside. Check out weightloss Cary NC for more information.

Choose to be healthier

Not everyone is going to lose weight equally, some people have naturally higher metabolisms and will be lucky enough to not really have to worry about their weight. That’s just life and just because you aren’t blessed with the same lucky genes doesn’t mean you can’t be at your peak physical health too, it gives you all the more reason to work towards it! No matter how hopeless you may feel, with hard work and dedication you can truly do anything you set your mind to. If you truly want to be healthy and lose weight, add regular exercise and a healthy diet to your life, you should see and feel the positive results pretty quickly!