Lots of folks think that a massage is an indulgence. Some people assume that it is simply a way to flirt with another person. While it is true that there are some who say that getting massaged on a regular basis is important but the truth is that the major benefits of massage are still being discovered. Have you been trying to figure out if you should fork out the bucks for a massage regularly? Here are several not yet widely known benefits of massages!
Massage induces chemical changes in the brain. These changes help to lower both stress and pain in your whole body. This is great news because it means that you do not necessarily have to massage the exact area that is painful. For instance, if you aren’t thrilled with the idea of letting someone touch your lower back, ask them to concentrate on your arms and shoulders instead. The pressure on those muscles will spark off the chemical reactions in your brain. After a while, the muscles found in your lower back area will loosen up too.
Several experts think that regular massages help your body stay healthy. Science has established, through a series of tests, that massage can boost your immune system and make it easier for your body to ward off disease. This happens because your body creates more de-stressors when it is getting massaged. For example, science has discovered that the cortisol levels in your body are reduced when you get a massage on a regular basis. Cortisol is triggered by stress and de-stressing your body is a superb way to keep it from assaulting your immune system which, in turn, helps the rest of your body stay healthy.
Are you aware that a massage can reduce your blood pressure? High blood pressure is lowered too. The reason this is true is that massage triggers your vagus nerve; the vagus nerve is what helps your brain regulate the level of your blood pressure as well as a bunch of other important functions. In 2005, a study was done in which individuals who suffer from hypertension were given ten ten-minute massages over the course of a few weeks–the study discovered that they had a sharp drop in their high blood pressure levels.
There are many advantages to getting regular massages. Give your first experience with massage a try at Cary massage therapy! In just your first visit, you will feel a difference in your level of pain or tension, and you will leave relaxed and refreshed.