Do you feel a little fuzzy in the throat and a little snuffly in the nose? While you might be trying to tell yourself that those feelings probably don’t mean anything, the truth is that you are probably already fighting off a cold or the beginnings of the flu. Rather than swallowing a quick pill or two, why not do a quick inventory of the natural health remedies you have on hand? Using natural health methods to cure an illness is a fantastic alternative to trying to cure your flu with chemicals and drugs. We won’t tell you to ignore your doctor but before you schedule the appointment, why not try a natural remedy for a couple of days and see if it works?
Pure water is the way to go. Water can do more than simply keep you hydrated and keep your thirst quenched. Instead of cracking open the Advil bottle when you have a headache, drink some water instead! Dehydration is often the cause of headaches. Simply drinking some water can cause that headache to fade. In addition to keeping you hydrated you can use water for other things. A natural way to break a fever is to have the person with the fever sit in a hot tub of water for a little while (while keeping a cool compress on his or her head). The heat helps you start sweating (to break your fever) and helps your muscles relax. You want to sweat when you have a fever because it is how your fever will be brought down by your body.
Citrus Fruits
You can get vitamin C from more things than oranges and orange juice! Leafy green vegetables contain quite a bit of vitamin C as well. So, when you’re feeling under the weather load up on salad and greens as well as downing a few glasses of orange juice. There are other fruits, especially citrus fruits that contain copious amounts of Vitamin C!
You can also get a ton of vitamin C from bell peppers so it is a good idea to start adding them to your favorite foods. Fighting off illness is easier when you infuse your food with vitamin C-and your food will taste better as well!
On Sugar Consumption
Eliminate refined sugar. Sugar slows down your immune system which makes it easier for colds and flues to take hold. If you want to feel healthier, eating less sugar is the way to go-just ask someone who used to eat sugar but has stopped doing so. Sugary drinks might taste better when you are sick, it is better to steer clear of them and drink water instead (or tea). If you want to get rid of a cold or the flu, eating sugar is counterproductive and gets in the way of other natural health cures you might be trying.
Strengthening your immune system through natural health practices is one of the best ways to keep from getting sick at all. If you know how to treat your symptoms the right way you can help yourself get better faster and keep yourself from relapse. Use some common sense and, instead of taking a lot of drugs, use natural methods to treat your cold or flu.